Review the items on the following pages carefully. At the bottom you will find a series of questions that relate to the information you've just read. We recommend that you print this section of the course out and use a highlighter to assist your review of the work and to locate the correct answers
Your timing and participation in this program is based on a number of items including: your detailed responses, participation in threaded discussions and article summaries throughout the program, your research and summaries of links on the world-wide-web and test responses and questions throughout the program. Special SCRIPTING software (in conjunction with our SQL SERVER which provides "active script time frames") document then reports the location you are working from as well as the time of day or night you are responding to tasks required to complete this program successfully.
NOTICE TO THE LENDER All required repairs must be completed in a professional manner, in compliance with HUD’s guidelines and satisfied prior to closing. The lender is responsible for coordinating repairs. A professionally licensed, bonded, registered engineer, licensed home inspector or appropriately registered/licensed trades person, as applicable, must provide documentation that all deficiencies have been acceptably corrected upon completion of repairs. SITE CONSIDERATIONS
VC-1 Site Hazards And Nuisances
Check the appropriate response for readily observable evidence of hazards. Hazards, as defined below, are conditions that endanger the health and safety of the occupants and/or the marketability of the property. Use these criteria to determine the extent of the hazard. Please refer to HUD Handbook 4150.2 Section 2-2 for unacceptable locations and the protocol in Appendix D of the Handbook for further guidance. If the required component is not visible during the site visit, provide a detailed comment.
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
( ) yes
b. Operating oil or gas wells within 300 feet of
existing construction
( ) yes
( )
yes( ) yes
( ) yes
( ) yes
gallons of flammable or explosive material.
( ) yes
Mark "YES" for any readily observable deficiency noted below. Each "YES" constitutes a limiting condition on the appraisal. Each condition requires repair or further inspection. These conditions must be satisfied prior to closing for the mortgage to be eligible for FHA mortgage insurance. Please refer to HUD Handbook 4150.2, Section3-6 for guidance on HUD’s General Acceptability Criteria. Also, refer to the protocol in Appendix D of the Handbook for repair and inspection requirement parameters.
VC-2 Soil Contamination
Check the appropriate response for evidence of environmental contamination
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
VC-3 Grading And Drainage
Check the appropriate response for evidence of topographical problems.
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
VC-4 Well, Individual Water Supply And Septic
Check the appropriate response with regard to individual wells and septic system.
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
*Lender will require water testing for "yes"
: Connection should be made to public or community water/sewage disposal system. Estimate distance to sewer or water hook-up and whether hook-up is practical.VC-5 Wood Destroying Insects
Check the appropriate response for evidence of wood infestation
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
VC-6 Private Road Access And Maintenance
Check the appropriate response for evidence of Private Road Access and maintenance problems.
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
*In all cases where a private road exists, submit evidence that ___________________________
(name of road)
is protected by a permanent recorded easement (non-exclusive, non-revocable roadway, driveway easement without trespass from the property to a public street/road) and that there is an acceptable maintenance agreement recorded on the property.
Provide a detailed description of the road’s condition:
VC-7 Structural Conditions
Check the appropriate response for evidence of structural condition problems.
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
Floor Support Systems
VC-8 Foundation
(Appraiser must have full access to these areas)
Check the appropriate response for evidence of foundation/basement or crawl space problems.
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
c. Significant cracks or erosion in exposed areas that could affect structural soundness
Crawl Space
d. Inadequate Access
e. Space inadequate for maintenance and repair (<18 inches)
f. Support beams not intact
g. Excessive dampness or ponding of water
VC-9 Roofing
Check the appropriate response for evidence of all roofing problems
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
a. Does not cover entire house
( ) yes ( ) nob. Evidence of deterioration of roofing materials
c. Roof life less than two years*
d. Holes
e. Signs of leakage observable from ground (i.e., missing tiles)
f. Flat Roof**
*HUD/FHA requires that the roof have at least 2 years remaining life. If the roof has less than 2 years remaining life, then the appraiser must call for re-roofing or repair. The condition must clearly state whether the subject is to be repaired or re-roofed. FHA will accept a maximum of 3 layers of existing roofing. If more than 2 layers exist and repair is necessary, then all old roofing must be removed as part of the re-roofing.
**All flat roofs require inspection.
VC-10 Mechanical Systems
(All utilities must be turned on at time of appraisal, if possible)
Check the appropriate response for evidence of mechanical system problems.
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
Furnace/Heating System
a. Unit does not turn ‘On’
( ) yes ( ) nob. Warm air is not emitted
c. Unusual or irregular noises are heard
d. Smoke or irregular smell is emitted
e. Unit shuts down prior to reaching desired temperature
f. Significant holes or deterioration on the unit(s)
Air Conditioning (central)
g. Unit does not turn ‘On’
h. Cold air is not emitted
i. Irregular noises are heard
j. Smoke or irregular smell is emitted
k. Unit shuts down prior to reaching desired
( ) yes ( ) nol. Significant holes or deterioration on the unit(s)
Electrical System
Plumbing System
Sewer System
VC-11 Other Health And Safety Deficiencies
Check the appropriate response for evidence of health and safety deficiencies.
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
VC-12 Lead Based Paint Hazard
For any home built prior to 1978, check for evidence of defective paint surfaces, including: peeling, scaling or chipping paint.
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
Year built ___________
If the home was built before 1978, this may indicate a lead paint hazard. For all FHA insured properties, the seller is required to correct all defective paint in or on dwelling units built before January 1, 1978 in accordance with 24 CFR Part 35.
VC-13 Condominiums And Planned Unit Developments (Pud)
Provide a description of yes responses on Page 4:
The property does not meet owner-occupancy standards
( ) yes ( ) noThis property does not meet completion standards
( ) yes ( ) no
Please attach any additional information/reports and give number of attached pages.
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes to complete the Comprehensive Valuation Package. This includes the time for reviewing the associated Handbook and reporting the data. This does not include the requisite market research or the appraisal process. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Privacy Act Notice: This information is required for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to endorse a single family mortgage and is used for underwriting purposes. The collection of this information is necessary to comply with HUD’s Home Buyer Protection Plan. The information may be made available to a federal agency for review. This information is not confidential and will be made available to the public.
QUESTIONSRead the following questions carefully and place your answers in the box that opens after you click on "RESPONSE" below...
1. Under section VC-1, a number of site hazards and nuisances
were noted. Name 10 things the appraiser is responsible for
looking at in this part of his/her inspection.
2. Under section VC-2, name 3 things the appraiser is responsible for looking at during their inspection (in your own words).
3. With regard to "underground storage tanks", how might you guess
that an appaiser could determine if UST's exist on a property that
was being inspected? (Please carefully explain)
4. What does section VC-3 cover in the HUD appraisal inspection?
5. What does section VC-4 cover in the HUD appraisal inspection?
6. What does section VC-5 cover in the HUD appraisal inspection?
7. Is a gravel road acceptable based on the HUD appraisal inspection,
and if so, what alphabetic letter references this section of the
8. Section VC-7 covers "structural conditions", give 3 examples of
each item discussed in this section (be very specific)that might
typically be found by an appraiser during a real inspection.
9. Foundation is a major conern during the inspection, indicate what
VC number covers this and name 10 items the appraiser should be
looking for at this phase of the inspection.
10. Name three items that pertain to the roof inspection and highlight
the applicable VC number.
11. VC-10 covers "mechanical systems", name 15 things the appraiser
looks for during the mechanical systems check.
12. Name five items that could be wrong during section VC-11 part of
the inspection (be very specific and describe in your own words).
13. Lead based paint is a real concern and real estate salespeople and
brokers must have disclosures signed prior to contract execution. What
year is important to remember regarding this important detail and which
VC covers lead based paint?
14. In your opinion, do you consider the new "HUD inspection" to be
a "home inspection" (please explain and defend your case) and who
do you think this inspection is supposed to protect?